if inconvenience continues to appear

For modern people, dizziness is a common symptom. Usually, these symptoms improve naturally over time. However, frequent or persistent dizziness can be a signal of a more serious problem. If you often feel heavy or have symptoms such as spinning your head, you shouldn’t clean it up as just dizziness. Symptoms may improve due to temporary rest, but chronic dizziness can imply the existence of other health problems. Many people experience dizziness, but not all symptoms are easily transmitted.

If dizziness repeats and continues, this can indicate a pathological condition. There are many cases where symptoms are ignored and overlooked, but the symptoms may not improve over time. The persistent occurrence of dizziness can imply the presence of diseases that need to be managed, and appropriate response is needed. In particular, brain diseases such as stroke can cause dizziness. Dizziness caused by brain disease can be accompanied by symptoms such as stuttering or sensory abnormalities beyond mere dizziness. Therefore, it is important to closely examine the symptoms that accompany dizziness.

However, sometimes it is difficult to find the cause of dizziness through MRI or CT examinations. In such a situation, it can be attributed to a cholesterol droplet accumulating in the stomach and nose. Bile droplets are pathological substances that accumulate in the stomach and intestines, causing food that is not properly digested to decay and accumulate. This bile whistle can cause dizziness as well as indigestion. Dizziness is not caused only by organic lesions in the brain or ear, so if no special abnormalities are found after the examination, consider the disease caused by phlegm accumulated in the stomach or nose. These understandings provide a wide range of access to dizziness and provide a foundation for proper response.

When gall droplets are absorbed by the stomach and spread through lymph and blood vessels throughout the body, various symptoms occur. In this process, gall product acts as a pain-causing substance in the muscles and nervous system, causing various symptoms, including dizziness as well as indigestion. In addition to dizziness, various symptoms such as headaches, insomnia, and palpitations can appear, which can lead to chronic diseases. It is said that galldrops stimulate autonomic nerves and affect the vestibular organs of the ear, causing dizziness. In addition, when gall droplets are formed inside the nose, the heat in the head is not properly discharged, which can cause a decrease in vestibular function.

Usually, if you have severe sinusitis or rhinitis, you can see the condition of pus accumulating in your nose with a biliary whistle. If the vestibular function decreases in this condition, dizziness may occur. If it appears due to a biliary whistle, you may feel dizzy and have unpleasant symptoms. If you often feel nausea, nausea, nausea, or indigestion along with dizziness, you should suspect gastrointestinal stools and get proper care. If you have these symptoms, it is important to know the cause of dizziness beyond simple dizziness.It is important to prescribe appropriate prescriptions according to the individual’s constitution, symptoms, causes, and type. You can think of various management methods such as prescribing hot water and acupuncture. Management that improves gastric motility helps to excrete galldrops. If it is caused by cholesterol droplets accumulated in the nose, it is also necessary to reduce inflammation of the nasal mucosa and respiratory mucosa. Through these various types of management, it is recommended to proceed with appropriate management in a way that suits the individual. It is important to take appropriate care in the early stages in that gall product can cause various symptoms throughout the body. Through this management, you can improve your overall health and relieve various symptoms, including dizziness.At first, it is considered a simple dizziness, but considering the symptoms and their repeatability, it is difficult to regard this as a temporary problem. It is important to know what causes dizziness. If dizziness or headache continues without any special cause and digestive symptoms such as indigestion are accompanied, you need to closely examine the gastrointestinal condition. If you are experiencing symptoms that last for a long time, you should pay more attention. If you don’t know the cause and can’t deal with it properly, it’s helpful to take a good look at the bile whistle and come up with an appropriate way to deal with it.Efficient management of the causes of dizziness will help you regain your comfortable daily life. At the same time, it is important to provide food therapy, exercise, and stress relief therapy at the same time. These methods are necessary to alleviate symptoms and stay healthy. Preventing recurrence and maintaining a stable condition contributes greatly to a healthy life from a long-term perspective. It is important to determine the necessary management methods according to individual circumstances and to proceed systematically. Through this process, you can receive appropriate management for each individual, which is a reliable and secure management method.Efficient management of the causes of dizziness will help you regain your comfortable daily life. At the same time, it is important to provide food therapy, exercise, and stress relief therapy at the same time. These methods are necessary to alleviate symptoms and stay healthy. Preventing recurrence and maintaining a stable condition contributes greatly to a healthy life from a long-term perspective. It is important to determine the necessary management methods according to individual circumstances and to proceed systematically. Through this process, you can receive appropriate management for each individual, which is a reliable and secure management method.Previous image Next imagePrevious image Next imageHere’s the previous image. Here’s the next oneHere’s the previous image. Here’s the next oneHere’s the previous image. Here’s the next oneHere’s the previous image. Here’s the next oneHere’s the previous image. Here’s the next oneHere’s the previous image. Here’s the next oneHere’s the previous image. Here’s the next one