28개월 소아 서혜부 탈장 수술 고려대학교 구로병원 소아외과 나영현 교수의 후기 1

2년 이상 전의 수술 이야기 그때도 너무 정신이 없는데 혼자서 느낀점을 적은 메모파일이 있어서 적어본다 소아 서혜부 탈장 의심 및 발견 2년 이상 전의 수술 이야기 그때도 너무 정신이 없는데 혼자서 느낀점을 적은 메모파일이 있어서 적어본다 소아 서혜부 탈장 의심 및 발견

어딘가 다르다고 느낀 것은 1살 정도였지만, 영유아의 검사에서는 발견되지 않았던 조금 커서 22~23개월경에 샤워를 하다가 사타구니 위쪽(명칭은 서해부)이 대소변을 보고 울퉁불퉁해지는 것을 보고 이상하게 생각하기만 했다 어딘가 다르다고 느낀 것은 1살 정도였지만, 영유아의 검사에서는 발견되지 않았던 조금 커서 22~23개월경에 샤워를 하다가 사타구니 위쪽(명칭은 서해부)이 대소변을 보고 울퉁불퉁해지는 것을 보고 이상하게 생각하기만 했다

첫번째 발견은 아이를 목욕시켜놓고 첫번째 발견은 아이를 목욕시켜놓고

원래 남자들은 여기가 통통한가? 다만 아이가 아플 때 소아과에 물어보니 이른 것을 아이가 고열로 병원을 방문했을 때 이상하다고 말씀드렸더니 “소견서를 쓸 테니 큰 병원에 가보세요”라고 하셨다. 고려대 구로병원 소아외과 수술 결정 원래 남자들은 여기가 통통한가? 다만 아이가 아플 때 소아과에 물어보니 이른 것을 아이가 고열로 병원을 방문했을 때 이상하다고 말씀드렸더니 “소견서를 쓸 테니 큰 병원에 가보세요”라고 하셨다. 고려대 구로병원 소아외과 수술 결정

당시 어쩌다 보니 25갈이 넘게 병원에 갔을 당시 코로나로 병원을 자유롭게 내원하기 어려웠고, 아이가 당시 자주 열이 나서 예약하고 방문과 수술까지 꽤 힘들었는데, 굳이 이 병원을 결정한 것은 집에서 가깝기 때문이었던 아이와 병원은 가까워야 했다 어린이병원이나 분당차병원은 소아전문 마취과가 따로 있지만 거리가 있고 남편도 가까우면 혹시나 해서 시간을 줄이는 게 좋다고 해서 결정했고 그건 잘한 일이었다 당시 어쩌다 보니 25갈이 넘게 병원에 갔을 당시 코로나로 병원을 자유롭게 내원하기 어려웠고, 아이가 당시 자주 열이 나서 예약하고 방문과 수술까지 꽤 힘들었는데, 굳이 이 병원을 결정한 것은 집에서 가깝기 때문이었던 아이와 병원은 가까워야 했다 어린이병원이나 분당차병원은 소아전문 마취과가 따로 있지만 거리가 있고 남편도 가까우면 혹시나 해서 시간을 줄이는 게 좋다고 해서 결정했고 그건 잘한 일이었다

지금의 대학병원은 어떤지 알 수 없으나 당시에는 증상이 있는 경우 내원 시 코로나 간 소견서를 요청하였다 지금의 대학병원은 어떤지 알 수 없으나 당시에는 증상이 있는 경우 내원 시 코로나 간 소견서를 요청하였다

소아탈장 나영현 교수의 수술 진단 방법 소아탈장 나영현 교수의 수술 진단 방법

병원마다 아이의 수가 다른 듯했던 내원한 고대구로병원은 초음파를 보지 않고 나영현 교수님이 손으로 만져보고 탈장 주머니가 만져 보여드린 사진상으로도 탈장이 확실하여 바로 수술 결정된 초음파 진단을 하기도 하나 나이와 교수님 병원마다 다른 듯 다른 기사에서는 10여세 아이도 초음파를 보면서 진단하였고 당시 친구의 50일차 아이도 초음파 확인하여 수술 결정하였다는 티미의 친구 아기는 생후 50여일 된 신생아이므로 소아전문 마취과가 있는 분당차병원에서 탈장 수술을 하였다는 병원마다 아이의 수가 다른 듯했던 내원한 고대구로병원은 초음파를 보지 않고 나영현 교수님이 손으로 만져보고 탈장 주머니가 만져 보여드린 사진상으로도 탈장이 확실하여 바로 수술 결정된 초음파 진단을 하기도 하나 나이와 교수님 병원마다 다른 듯 다른 기사에서는 10여세 아이도 초음파를 보면서 진단하였고 당시 친구의 50일차 아이도 초음파 확인하여 수술 결정하였다는 티미의 친구 아기는 생후 50여일 된 신생아이므로 소아전문 마취과가 있는 분당차병원에서 탈장 수술을 하였다는

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I saw so many reviews on Instagram that I was confused about what kind of surgery I should choose. What the hell is right.. Korea University Guro Hospital, which visited Korea University, had laparoscopic endoscopy as a basic operation, and only the left side could be seen with the naked eye, but Tmi, who operates laparoscopic surgery with laparoscopic surgery, personally put air in her stomach and inserted the camera I saw so many reviews on Instagram that I was confused about what kind of surgery I should choose. What the hell is right.. Korea University Guro Hospital, which visited Korea University, had laparoscopic endoscopy as a basic operation, and only the left side could be seen with the naked eye, but Tmi, who operates laparoscopic surgery with laparoscopic surgery, personally put air in her stomach and inserted the camera

Tips for Undergoing Examination Prior to Pediatric Surgery in the Gingiva Tips for Undergoing Examination Prior to Pediatric Surgery in the Gingiva

It is recommended that more than two parents go to the hospital because it is decided whether to have surgery or not on the first visit and the preoperative examination is conducted on the same day··· It was difficult for parents to see blood tests that were difficult for infants who decided to undergo basic tests and interviews, urine tests, X-ray electrocardiogram tests, and tests before walking, but children who had to pee on the urethra often fell off, so they couldn’t urinate. Korea University Guro Hospital told me to take a blood test and a urine test first because my child gets excited. If it is difficult for parents to urinate first or at the hospital due to the child’s tendency, they should have closed the reception on the day or brought it to the hospital by the next morning We finally turned in the urine at home that morning without receiving it The X-ray and electrocardiogram, which were good moments when I chose a hospital close to home, were not difficult if the child was a little big, but when the child was young and sensitive, he or she could sweat a lot during the examination··· The electrocardiogram, X-ray, everyone outside is buzzing at the child’s cry, my husband and I take turns stealing gin, and the parents have to go…TMI…It’s good for two or more parents to go because they decide whether to have surgery or not on the day··· It was difficult for parents to see blood tests that were difficult for infants who decided to undergo basic tests and interviews, urine tests, X-ray electrocardiogram tests, and tests before walking, but children who had to pee on the urethra often fell off, so they couldn’t urinate. Korea University Guro Hospital told me to take a blood test and a urine test first because my child gets excited. If it is difficult for parents to urinate first or at the hospital due to the child’s tendency, they should have closed the reception on the day or brought it to the hospital by the next morning We finally turned in the urine at home that morning without receiving it The X-ray and electrocardiogram, which were good moments when I chose a hospital close to home, were not difficult if the child was a little big, but when the child was young and sensitive, he or she could sweat a lot during the examination··· The electrocardiogram, X-ray, everyone outside is buzzing at the child’s cry, and my husband and I take turns taking the gin, and the parents have to go…TMI···

I waited at the hospital for nearly four hours due to the problem of urinating, and the child was tired at home and slept and peed, but the amount was so large that the diaper overflowed and soaked into the bed. The day before the surgery, I waited at the hospital for nearly four hours due to the problem of defecation, and the child was tired at home and slept and peed, but the amount was so large that the diaper overflowed and soaked into the bed

First, consult an anesthesiologist. Check if the child is allergic to his/her height weight, recent and current physical condition, the specificities of the medication and disease to be taken, asthma delivery methods, birth weight of the child, congenital disease and shaking teeth If you have a tooth that shakes to intubate the trachea under general anesthesia, there is a risk in the tracheal intubation and you send it to the dental outpatient clinic!! Young children can practice “ah” in advance if they are about to undergo surgery that their children say may not open their mouths. Those who miss Johnny should be careful, and the Corona test, which makes an appointment with the anesthesiologist at the first visit, is charged! However, patients and guardians were exempted from the pcr test within six weeks of contracting the new coronavirus infection Children hate this test the most… (I already know what I’m going to do, so I don’t want to do it) “I don’t like it.” “I don’t like my nose.” “I hold my nose until I get it and cry.”) “I fast from 12 p.m. the night before.” “You can’t swallow it except for saliva.” All “water gum candy” is not allowed, and on the morning of the day of the surgery on the inguinal detachment of children at Korea University Guro Hospital, they are consulted by the anesthesiology department. Check if the child is allergic to his/her height weight, recent and current physical condition, the specificities of the medication and disease to be taken, asthma delivery methods, birth weight of the child, congenital disease and shaking teeth If you have a tooth that shakes to intubate the trachea under general anesthesia, there is a risk in the tracheal intubation and you send it to the dental outpatient clinic!! Young children can practice “ah” in advance if they are about to undergo surgery that their children say may not open their mouths. Those who miss Johnny should be careful, and the Corona test, which makes an appointment with the anesthesiologist at the first visit, is charged! However, patients and guardians were exempted from the pcr test within six weeks of contracting the new coronavirus infection Children hate this test the most… (I already know what I’m going to do, so I don’t want to do it) “I don’t like it.” “I don’t like my nose.” “I hold my nose until I get it and cry.”) “I fast from 12 p.m. the night before.” “You can’t swallow it except for saliva.” No “water gum candy” on the morning of the day of surgery for children’s groin at Korea University Guro Hospital

I can’t think of much now. It’s often written on the inflows distributed at that time, but I can’t think of anything like that. The best part was the child’s attached doll and the blanket that he usually uses, and the child was extremely anxious. I took the doll with me before and after the surgery and the day before the surgery, but I couldn’t let go of it for a while You can come out in pajamas on the day of surgery. The child was discharged from the hospital after 24 months of surgery and had no baggage You can bring some underwear, diaper tablet candy, and whatever you like after surgery, but 24 months ago, you have to stay in the hospital for 2 nights and 3 days, so you have a lot of luggage. I can’t think of much now. It’s often written on the inflows distributed at that time, but I can’t think of anything like that. The best part was the child’s attached doll and the blanket that he usually uses, and the child was extremely anxious. I took the doll with me before and after the surgery and the day before the surgery, but I couldn’t let go of it for a while You can come out in pajamas on the day of surgery. The child was discharged from the hospital after 24 months of surgery and had no baggage You can bring some underwear, diaper tablet candy, and whatever you like after surgery, but 24 months ago, you have to stay in the hospital for 2 nights and 3 days, so you have a lot of luggage.

Usually, surgery at university hospitals is scheduled, but they don’t tell you the time, but if children fast for a long time, surgery is difficult, and the hospital, which unconditionally proceeds with the first surgery, is hospitalized at 6:30 a.m. It depends on the hospital, but most of the first surgery and morning surgery are the emergency room’s hospital affairs department··· There were 24 hours a day, so I had to move to the children’s ward after the procedure and get an intravenous injection It was 7 a.m. here at Korea University, and parents other than resident parents were not allowed to move to the ward You have to go up to the 53 children’s ward on the 5th floor of the main building and grab a vein, and on the 3rd floor, Elbe Gate opens and someone like the supplementary team checks the guardian’s bracelet. My husband without a bracelet gives me his car key and goes to work in a taxi right away. When you break up with your husband and arrive on the fifth floor, it’s very difficult to change into patient clothes distributed in the children’s ward and grab the veins The child avoids the needle with all his might Parents of such children must hold them by the arm with all their might I often get injections because I’m in the children’s ward, but if the guardian accidentally releases his arm, he may get seriously injured Hehe, but I grabbed the child’s veins thinking it would have been better if it were two people Usually, surgery at university hospitals is scheduled, but they don’t tell you the time, but if children fast for a long time, surgery is difficult, and the hospital, which unconditionally proceeds with the first surgery, is hospitalized at 6:30 a.m. It depends on the hospital, but most of the first surgery and morning surgery are the emergency room’s hospital affairs department··· There were 24 hours a day, so I had to move to the children’s ward after the procedure and get an intravenous injection It was 7 a.m. here at Korea University, and parents other than resident parents were not allowed to move to the ward You have to go up to the 53 children’s ward on the 5th floor of the main building and grab a vein, and on the 3rd floor, Elbe Gate opens and someone like the supplementary team checks the guardian’s bracelet. My husband without a bracelet gives me his car key and goes to work in a taxi right away. When you break up with your husband and arrive on the fifth floor, it’s very difficult to change into patient clothes distributed in the children’s ward and grab the veins The child avoids the needle with all his might Parents of such children must hold them by the arm with all their might I often get injections because I’m in the children’s ward, but if the guardian accidentally releases his arm, he may get seriously injured Hehe, but I grabbed the child’s veins thinking it would have been better if it were two people

I will take an injection and go to the Integrated Anesthesia Center (anesthesiology department). At 7:40, we arrived at the first class If you’re waiting for a bed, take your temperature and do a simple check, another patient will come, and your doctor and anesthesiologist will come and check your child’s face pediatric inguinal de-entrinal surgery time I will take an injection and go to the Integrated Anesthesia Center (anesthesiology department). At 7:40, we arrived at the first class If you’re waiting for a bed, take your temperature and do a simple check, another patient will come, and your doctor and anesthesiologist will come and check your child’s face pediatric inguinal de-entrinal surgery time

The surgery will take about an hour or an hour and a half at the longest, and if there is a problem, they will tell you separately The surgery will take about an hour or an hour and a half at the longest, and if there is a problem, they will tell you separately

Is it a room where ordinary adults just walk in, but if a child is awake, they anesthetize with the medical staff? “I wish I could go that far, but it was almost impossible at the age of two at that time, so I put about half of the medicine in and put it to sleep.” As soon as I put the medicine in, I suddenly hung my head and fell asleep. I was hugged and went in, It’s so weird and heartbreaking… That’s right. I’m still crying Is it a room where ordinary adults just walk in, but if a child is awake, they anesthetize with the medical staff? “I wish I could go that far, but it was almost impossible at the age of two at that time, so I put about half of the medicine in and put it to sleep.” As soon as I put the medicine in, I suddenly hung my head and fell asleep. I was hugged and went in, It’s so weird and heartbreaking… That’s right. I’m still crying

During the operation, the child’s surgery situation appears on TV when he hurried to the cafeteria and ate and came back home. The child’s operation ended before ten when he saw him go to bed at about 8:40 the child’s name is called after the operation and the professor can be seen after the operation Immediately after surgery on the inguinal area of a child, the situation of the child’s surgery appears on TV when he hurried to the restaurant area during the surgery and came back after eating. The child’s operation ended before ten when he saw him go to bed at about 8:40 the child’s name is called after the operation and the professor can be seen after the operation immediately after pediatric inguinal de-entrinal surgery

About 20 minutes later, I called him to the surgery recovery room and found him screaming after waking up from anesthesia It has an operating room and an operating recovery room in the innermost part of its structure. I went into the recovery room wearing green sterile clothes, but all but me were patients and medical staff I didn’t call him into the recovery room, but the child seemed to have called him restlessly When I went in, I took my child’s favorite futon and doll, but I couldn’t calm down and eventually gave him painkillers. I was surprised when I burped a lot as soon as I woke up with laparoscopes, but they said it was all right··· About 20 minutes later, I called him to the surgery recovery room and found him screaming after waking up from anesthesia It has an operating room and an operating recovery room in the innermost part of its structure. I went into the recovery room wearing green sterile clothes, but all but me were patients and medical staff I didn’t call him into the recovery room, but the child seemed to have called him restlessly When I went in, I took my child’s favorite futon and doll, but I couldn’t calm down and eventually gave him painkillers. I was surprised when I burped a lot as soon as I woke up with laparoscopes, but they said it was all right···

The person who pushed the bed to go up in the hospital room looked at me and said, “It’s okay. A lot of kids are coming by now.” You must have been worried about my face when everyone said that this kind of surgery would be very small and I would be discharged from the hospital healthy ··· It’s a big operation for me.. Looking back, it seems like a very small event. cause a child to cry after surgery in a child The person who pushed the bed to go up in the hospital room looked at me and said, “It’s okay. A lot of kids are coming by now.” You must have been worried about my face when everyone said that this kind of surgery would be very small and I would be discharged from the hospital healthy ··· It’s a big operation for me.. Looking back, it seems like a very small event. cause a child to cry after surgery in a child

One of the biggest tasks of pediatric surgery is to make children cry after surgery. Adults can breathe louder and self-breathe so that their lungs don’t shrink, but children can’t sleep well. One of the biggest tasks of pediatric surgery is to cry after surgery

The child was unable to support himself when he went up to the ward I didn’t realize exactly. irritation, thirst, strange surroundings, and hesitation to go home. The nurses wake up at 6 a.m. and until 12 a.m. and feel sleepy, the nurses are mothers from the beginning! Children shouldn’t sleep!! I have to take a deep breath with general anesthesia, but if it doesn’t work, please make me cry!! I said, but I can’t hear it··· The child’s face turned red and warm after about 30 minutes in the hospital room, even though he had no energy to love rice If you take your temperature, you may have a slight fever right after the 37.8 degree surgery, but if you don’t breathe properly, your prognosis is not good, so you had to cry for a couple of hours. He said, “I’m sleepy, it’s painful, it hurts, and I’m not holding my child, but I love him and love him.” After two or three hours, his complexion turned around at 4 o’clock, and he said, “You can go to the hospital and get discharged.” The child was unable to support himself when he went up to the ward I didn’t realize exactly. irritation, thirst, strange surroundings, and hesitation to go home. The nurses wake up at 6 a.m. and until 12 a.m. and feel sleepy, the nurses are mothers from the beginning! Children shouldn’t sleep!! I have to take a deep breath with general anesthesia, but if it doesn’t work, please make me cry!! I said, but I can’t hear it··· The child’s face turned red and warm after about 30 minutes in the hospital room, even though he had no energy to love rice If you take your temperature, you may have a slight fever right after the 37.8 degree surgery, but if you don’t breathe properly, your prognosis is not good, so you had to cry for a couple of hours. He said, “I’m sleepy, it’s painful, it hurts, and I’m not holding my child, but I love him and love him.” After two or three hours, his complexion turned around at 4 o’clock, and he said, “You can go to the hospital and get discharged.”

When I checked out of the hospital and took out my luggage, it was 5 o’clock…!! I packed my luggage in the parking lot, contacted my husband’s mother, and when I got home, it ended at 6:12 p.m When I checked out of the hospital and took out my luggage, it was 5 o’clock…!! I packed my luggage in the parking lot, contacted my husband’s mother, and when I got home, it ended at 6:12 p.m

Children can’t eat when they get home on the day. The hospital said that children can eat if they want, but the child seemed to be suffering and went to bed early after eating only sweet drinks, milk, and bananas that he usually liked to eat like snacks Children can’t eat when they get home on the day. The hospital said that children can eat if they want, but the child seemed to be suffering and went to bed early after eating only sweet drinks, milk, and bananas that he usually liked to eat like snacks

There was no medicine prescribed separately, and if you have a high fever during the night, you can come to the emergency room of Korea University Guro Hospital, but you slept soundly until the next day There was no medicine prescribed separately, and if you have a high fever during the night, you can come to the emergency room of Korea University Guro Hospital, but you slept soundly until the next day

The next day, it went down a little, but after two to three weeks of surgery, I received a photo of the surgical site and a medical certificate from the outpatient clinic. I think there are people who have searched for the symptoms and the surgery process Two years later, the child is growing up very well and has a healthy scar, but it looks like it will get thinner as it grows less. There are a lot of stories about what children will do if they receive general anesthesia from hospitals and surgical hospitals. If you decide on a hospital, trust the professor and have surgery! If you have any questions, I’ll answer whatever you think! The next day, it went down a little, but after two to three weeks of surgery, I received a photo of the surgical site and a medical certificate from the outpatient clinic. I think there are people who have searched for the symptoms and the surgery process Two years later, the child is growing up very well and has a healthy scar, but it looks like it will get thinner as it grows less. There are a lot of stories about what children will do if they receive general anesthesia from hospitals and surgical hospitals. If you decide on a hospital, trust the professor and have surgery! If you have any questions, I’ll answer whatever you think!